News Releases
Preliminary Programme available: ICCD 2015, 3rd February 2015
09/01/2015The Preliminary Programme of International Childhood Cancer Awareness Day (ICCD 2015) is now available online on this page:
Spanish 'Technology Contribution' Award for ExPO-r-Net
15/12/2014The Clinical and Translational Cancer Research Group of Hospital La Fe (Valencia, Spain) won a 'Technology Contribution' Award for its participation in the ExPO-r-Net project and in the future network
The Cancer Blog, say your opinion on oncology treatments
04/12/2014The European School of Oncology (ESO) recently launched The Cancer Blog, a site dedicated to conversations for collaboration and live exchanges to improve the lives and prospects of people with cancer
Creating a unique, multi-stakeholder Paediatric Oncology Platform for childhood cancer drug developm
04/12/2014A very important article has been just published on the European Journal of Cancer (EJC): Gilles Vassal et al., 'Creating a unique, multi-stakeholder Paediatric Oncology Platform to improve drug devel
SIOPE answered to the EMA consultation on the inventory of therapeutic needs in paediatric oncology
01/12/2014Last 29th November 2014 SIOPE answered to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) consultation on the draft inventory of paediatric therapeutic needs (paediatric oncology).
Get together - Survivors group exchange
28/11/2014Last 22nd November 2014 the regional survivors group of Vienna on behalf of all Austrian Survivor groups and Österreichische Kinder-Krebs-Hilfe (Austrian Parents Organisation) has organised in the Aus
European Cancer Congress 2015: Register now as SIOPE member!
Better accessibility to care: the news about ExPO-r-Net is spreading in Spain!
26/11/2014An in-depth article on the project ExPO-r-Net has been published on the Spanish journal 'Diario Médico'.
EMA call to patient organisations for the Committee for Orphan Medicinal Products (COMP)
26/11/2014EMA uissued a call to patient organisations to apply and be part of the EMA Committee for Orphan Medicinal Products (COMP), in the context of the Orphan Medicines Regulation.
Little People Open Space Summit
26/11/2014Survivors and young patient advocates from 15 European could attend the ‘Open Space Summit’ organised by the ‘Little People’ organisation in Bucharest, Romania, last December. The aim of this summit w