The SIOP Europe office is led by the Chief Executive Officer who supports the Board and the General Assembly in pursuing the organisation’s mission. The aim of the SIOP Europe office is to:
- Facilitate the collaboration amongst European professionals in the field of paediatric oncology;
- Define and implement the communication strategy;
- Empower the Board, facilitating its relationship with key stakeholders and policy-makers in the European Union.
Since December 2018, the office is located at the Brussels Life Science Incubator (c/o BLSI, Clos Chapelle-aux-Champs 30, Bte 1.30.30 1200 Brussels, Belgium), which is also home to ESSO, EONS and CDDF.

Samira Essiaf
(BE) Chief Executive Officer
Olga Kozhaeva
(BE) Director, Policy Affairs
Anne Blondeel
(BE) Education & Congress Manager
Andrea Demadonna
(IT) Senior Project & Research Coordinator
Giorgia Manuzi
(IT) EU Projects Coordinator
Caroline Queiroz
(BR) Policy & Project Coordinator
Cristina Radu
(RO) Membership & Congress Coordinator
Stejsi Shehi
(AL) Communications & Marketing Manager
Ciara Sheehan
(IE) Senior Policy Officer
Sonja Ladenstein
(AT) Policy Officer
Anamaria Diaconu
(RO) Marketing & Communications Assistant
Mariangela Fiorente
(IT) Project Coordinator
Chiara Michi
(IT) Clinical Trials and Working Groups Administrator
Lyuba Karpachova
(UA) Project and Grant Coordinator
Rachele Vedovelli
(IT) Junior Policy Officer