- SIOP Europe AYA Committee
- SIOP Europe Host Genome Working Group
- SIOP Europe Imaging Working Group
- SIOP Europe Nursing Working Group
- SIOP Europe Paediatric Palliative Care Working Group
- SIOP Europe Psychosocial Working Group
- SIOP Europe Radiation Oncology Working Group
- Young SIOPE
SIOP Europe welcomes the development of Working Groups that address specific areas of care and research for the benefit of children and young people with cancer in Europe. The establishment of a SIOP Europe Working Group requires the approval of the SIOP Europe Board. If you are interested in creating a new Working Group, please use the below form to create your application.
SIOP Europe Working Group Terms and Conditions
The following terms and conditions will apply, should your request for a SIOP Europe Working Group be approved.
No funding will be provided. Therefore, any expenses incurred by the members of the Group will need to be met by their own institutions or their own funds.
Administrative Support
The SIOP Europe office may provide facilities and administrative support to the Working Group. The extent of such support is subject to prior agreement.
Reporting guidelines
The Working Group will be under the auspices of the SIOP Europe Board, with a bi-directional flow of information between the SIOP Europe Board and the Working Group.