SIOP Europe Psychosocial Working Group


Currently, there is a lack of adequate, evidence-based psychosocial care in many hospitals across Europe, as well as great variability and inequality in care. Experience has shown that health systems do not foresee the kind of psychosocial care which is needed in paediatric oncology to make sure that patients and their families get the support they need. Although there are regional and national working groups of psychosocial healthcare professionals from the paediatric cancer field in several European countries, a coordinated and collaborative initiative is needed to work on overarching topics such as health policy, improved research and better care.

The SIOP Europe Psychosocial Working group aims to address those policies and structural frameworks needed to implement evidence-based psychosocial standards of care across Europe, and to foster and build interdisciplinary collaboration and active networking with all stakeholders. Some of the initial objectives of the Working Group are to work on the development and/or translation and dissemination of practical clinical tools to support implementation, to establish specialist training and to raise awareness.

Do you want to know more?

Click HERE to read the outcomes of the 2023 Open Network Meeting.



Inaugural Steering Committee Members (May 2022):

  • Liesa Weiler-Wichtl, Medical University of Vienna, PSAPOH, Austria (Chair)
  • Ulrike Leiss, Medical University of Vienna, PSAPOH, Austria (Co-chair)
  • Anne-Sophie Darlington, University of Southampton, EORTC, UK
  • Martha Grootenhuis, Prinses Maxima Center, SIOP POPPI, Netherlands
  • Jurgen Lemiere, University Hospital Leuven, SIOP PPO, Belgium
  • Karolina MasĖlak, Lega IBISCUS Onlus, Italy
  • Gisela Michel, University of Lucerne, PanCare, Switzerland
  • David Riedl, Medical University Innsbruck, EORTC, Austria
  • Steven  Sands, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, COG, IGHG, USA
  • Carina Schneider, CCI Europe Committee Member, Austria
  • Etienne Seigneur, Institut Curie, France
  • Thomas Traunwieser, University Augsburg, SIOPE Brain Tumour Group QoL, Germany
  • Wiebke Stritter, Charite Medical University Berlin, PSAPOH, Germany

Quote from Steering Committee:

"We are very looking forward to inspiring collaborations to further improve psychosocial care and research in Europe."


Interested in Joining the Working Group:

Psychosocial professionals whose activity is relevant to the care of children with cancer and their families may apply for membership to the SIOP Europe Psychosocial Working Group. Early career researchers are especially encouraged to apply.

Please complete the application form. You will be asked to provide your contact details, upload a short CV and describe your interest in joining the Working Group.

For further information, please contact Chiara Michi:

The applications will be evaluated by the Steering Committee.



Guidelines and Standards

Standards for Psychosocial Care

International Guideline Harmonization Group (IGHG;

  • Gilleland Marchak et al. (2022). Recommendations for the surveillance of mental health problems in childhood, adolescent, and young adult cancer survivors: a report from the International Late Effects of Childhood Cancer Guideline Harmonization Group. The Lancet Oncology, 23(4), e184-e196. doi:
  • Devine et al. (2022). Recommendations for the surveillance of education and employment outcomes in survivors of childhood, adolescent, and young adult cancer: A report from the International Late Effects of Childhood Cancer Guideline Harmonization Group. Cancer, 128(13), 2405-2419. doi:
  • Christen et al. (2020). Recommendations for the surveillance of cancer-related fatigue in childhood, adolescent, and young adult cancer survivors: a report from the International Late Effects of Childhood Cancer Guideline Harmonization Group. Journal of Cancer Survivorship, 14(6), 923–938. doi:


  • Gilleland Marchak, J., Christen, S., Mulder, R. L., Baust, K., Blom, J. M. C., Brinkman, T. M., . . . Michel, G. (2022). Recommendations for the surveillance of mental health problems in childhood, adolescent, and young adult cancer survivors: a report from the International Late Effects of Childhood Cancer Guideline Harmonization Group. The Lancet Oncology, 23(4), e184-e196. doi:
  • Devine, K. A., Christen, S., Mulder, R. L., Brown, M. C., Ingerski, L. M., Mader, L., . . . Group, f. t. I. G. H. G. P. L. E. (2022). Recommendations for the surveillance of education and employment outcomes in survivors of childhood, adolescent, and young adult cancer: A report from the International Late Effects of Childhood Cancer Guideline Harmonization Group. Cancer, 128(13), 2405-2419. doi:  
  • Christen, S., Roser, K., Mulder, R. L., Ilic, A., Lie, H. C., Loonen, J. J., . . . on behalf of the, I. p. l. e. g. (2020). Recommendations for the surveillance of cancer-related fatigue in childhood, adolescent, and young adult cancer survivors: a report from the International Late Effects of Childhood Cancer Guideline Harmonization Group. Journal of Cancer Survivorship, 14(6), 923–938. doi:10.1007/s11764-020-00904-9
