Dr. Ulrike Leiss is a Clinical Psychologist, specialised in the field of paediatric psycho-oncology and paediatric neuropsychology. She has been working at the Pediatric Neuro-Oncology Unit of the Comprehensive Center for Paediatrics of the Medical University of Vienna since 2001, both in the field of inpatient psychosocial care and in (long-term) follow-up care. She has established an interdisciplinary psychosocial team there, which is active both clinically and scientifically as COPEgroup. In the context of international collaboration, she has been increasingly involved in the development and implementation of guidelines in recent years. Moreover, her research focus is in (long-term) follow-up care, interdisciplinary communication, neuropsychological outcome and treatment.
"First of all, we have to listen carefully to our patients’ needs and equally it is our responsibility to find solutions together."