SIOP Europe Nursing Working Group

Pediatric oncology nurses perform a unique role within the clinical teams and across all stages of disease from diagnosis to treatment and long-term follow-up. They contribute to pediatric oncology care through a broad range of specific tasks and responsibilities providing direct care, assisting other professionals, and supporting patients and their families.

At a European level, pediatric oncology nursing faces many challenges, such as the lack of specific national pediatric oncology nursing societies, the country-to-country differences in academic background and access to nursing education or training, the different organization of staffing levels, the different regulations and responsibilities and scope of nursing practice or even the lack of resources in some instances.

It is at the core of the SIOPE Nursing Working Group to address such differences in order to achieve equal standards of childhood cancer care across European countries.

The SIOPE Nursing Working Group consists of nurses across European countries dedicated to the care of children affected with cancer and their families/caregivers. The Working Group focuses on the promotion of the highest standards in pediatric care with a particular emphasis on clinical trials, clinical research, and education to enhance the evidence-based practice among pediatric hematology and oncology nurses across Europe.

The SIOPE Nursing Working Group will:

  • Facilitate collaboration, communication, and exchange between nurses across Europe.
  • Promote continued education tailored to pediatric oncology nurses' specific needs.
  • Foster advanced and evidence-based nursing practice.
  • Support nursing research.
  • Promote education and dissemination of evidence-based nursing practice in Low and Middle Income Countries (LMICs).


Inaugural SIOPE Nursing Working Group Steering Committee (March 2022):

  • Eugenia Trigoso (chair), Sara Colomer Lahiguera (co-chair), Sofie Moreels, Julia Pato, Andrea Zibaldo, Marco Deiana, Maria Aviles.


Interested in Joining the Working Group:

Nurses whose activity is relevant to the care of children with cancer and their families may apply for membership to the SIOP Europe Nursing Working Group.


Please complete the application form . You will be asked to provide your contact details, upload a short CV and describe your interest in joining the Working Group.

For further information, please contact Chiara Michi:

The applications will be evaluated by the Steering Committee.


Register now for the Nutrition Webinars here . For program details, view here

Register now for the Nutrition Webinars  here . For program details, view  here

