SIOP Europe Paediatric Palliative Care Working Group

Paediatric Palliative Care (PPC) aims to support children and families from the time of diagnosis of a life-threatening or life-limiting illness, whatever the outcome may be, not only in a terminal or end-of-life phase.

The early integration of Oncology and Palliative Care has been recognised as having benefits for patients, families, and teams. It enables user centred care, where concerns about quality of life, preferences and values are given the same relevance as cutting-edge therapy. 

The SIOP Europe Paediatric Palliative Care Working Group was launched on the occasion of the 3rd SIOP Europe Annual Meeting in March 2022. The Working Group aims to improve the quality of life of children with cancer in Europe, by fostering the early integration of Oncology and Palliative Care through increased awareness and educational opportunities, as well as service development and networking. 

The SIOP Europe Pediatric Palliative Care Working Group aims to: 

  • Increase awareness about PPC in Paediatric Oncology amongst all stakeholders. 
  • Create and dynamise educational opportunities about PPC in Paediatric Oncology. 
  • Promote the best possible quality of care for children with cancer in all settings.
  • Support PPC related research in Paediatric Oncology.
  • Foster communication and collaboration amongst PPC providers in Paediatric Oncology across Europe. 

Inaugural Steering Committee Members (January 2022):

  • Ana Lacerda, Portuguese Institute of Oncology, Lisbon, Portugal; senior oncologist; chair
  • Alice van Vlezen, Princess Maxima Center, Utrecht, the Netherlands; pediatrician
  • Finella Craig, Great Ormond Street Hospital, London, UK; EAPC representative
  • Georgia Kokkinou, Floga Parents Association of Children with Cancer, Greece; CCI Europe representative
  • Katrin Scheinemann, Kantonsspital Aarau AG, Switzerland; PanCare representative
  • Kerstin Krottendorfer, Pediatric Neuro-Oncology Unit of the Comprehensive Center for Pediatrics of the Medical University of Vienna, Clinical Social Worker.
  • María Avilés, Hospital Nino Jesus, Madrid, Spain; SIOP Europe Nursing Group representative
  • Ulrike Leiss, Medical University Vienna, Austria; psychologist; SIOP Europe Psychosocial Group representative




Interested in joining the Working Group:

If you are involved in the holistic care of children with cancer and their families, either as a healthcare professional, researcher, family or volunteer, we invite you to apply for membership to the SIOP Europe Paediatric Palliative Care Working Group.

Please complete the application form. You will be asked to provide your contact details, upload a short CV and describe your interest in joining the Working Group.

The applications will be evaluated by the Steering Committee.

For further information, please contact Chiara Michi: