News Releases
The European Roadmap to Horizon 2020 for Children and Adolescents with Cancer - A long term sustaina
SIOPE at the next SIOP Congress in Cape Town
20/03/201547th Congress of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology
Preparing a European Reference Network in paediatric oncology via ExPO-r-Net
20/03/2015Because access to quality care saves children’s lives
EONS Magazine Issue on Cancer in Children and Adolescents
Several Awards for MEPs supporting SIOPE
Exciting news for SIOPE members at the European Cancer Congress!
ICCD: the Courage of Children and Adolescents with Cancer
Preliminary Programme available: ICCD 2015, 3rd February 2015
09/01/2015The Preliminary Programme of International Childhood Cancer Awareness Day (ICCD 2015) is now available online on this page:
Spanish 'Technology Contribution' Award for ExPO-r-Net
15/12/2014The Clinical and Translational Cancer Research Group of Hospital La Fe (Valencia, Spain) won a 'Technology Contribution' Award for its participation in the ExPO-r-Net project and in the future network
The Cancer Blog, say your opinion on oncology treatments
04/12/2014The European School of Oncology (ESO) recently launched The Cancer Blog, a site dedicated to conversations for collaboration and live exchanges to improve the lives and prospects of people with cancer