News Releases
‘Revue d’Oncologie Hématologie Pédiatrique’: Our Official French-Speaking Journal
27/10/2016SIOPE pursues the objectives and priorities of this community of professionals working in the field of paediatric haemato-oncology (more than 1,600 in 34 European countries), and its mission consists
SIOPE-ESMO Partnership on Adolescents and Young Adults (AYA)
27/10/2016Following the collaborative efforts of SIOPE and ESMO since 2014, the dedicated Working Group on Cancer in Adolescents and Young Adults (AYA) is a joint venture between the two societies. This Working
Save the Date: ACCELERATE Conference
27/10/2016The 2017 edition of the ACCELERATE Paediatric Conference will take place on 2-3 March 2017 in Brussels, Belgium.
35 Years of Research in Soft Tissue Sarcoma
27/10/2016Ewa Koscielniak & Thomas Klingebiel
Latest News from PanCareSurFup
27/10/2016We are approaching the end of the project PanCareSurFup (the PanCare Childhood and Adolescent Cancer Care and Follow-up Studies) and we cannot but be satisfied with what partners of this EU project c
Latest News from ExPO-r-Net
27/10/2016The project ExPO-r-Net – which addresses the existing health inequalities in Europe by building a large multinational network of European hospitals and institutions, facilitating the exchange of infor
SIOPE as Leader of the Paediatric Work Package of the Joint Action on Rare Cancers
27/10/2016The European Commission and Member States have recently initiated a Joint Action on Rare Cancers (JARC) in the framework of the EU Health Programme. The aim is to address the lack of systematic inclus
SIOPE Members’ Expectations: the SIOPE Surveys
27/10/2016At the end of 2015, we have launched a first online survey, whose objective was to better know you, our members, and from that precious knowledge understand how to fully address your professional nee
Message from the President and the Office
27/10/2016I would like to start this newsletter by warmly thanking all the SIOPE members who could attend the SIOPE General Assembly on October 20th, 2016. The General Assembly is an ideal opportunity for you t
Our Surveys: Increasing Awareness in Europe
20/10/2016We are currently running two parallel surveys: