News Releases
News Release: SIOP Europe 20th Anniversary Events
09/10/2018SIOP Europe at 20 Years
Brexit: the European Parliament’s role in prioritising patients, public health and health security a
21/09/2018With the Brexit clock ticking and with only six months left until the United Kingdom leaves the European Union, both sides are now preparing for a possible ’no deal’ Brexit, which could impact on patient and public health across the EU27.
Improving the care of children in Europe with rare cancer
03/09/2018SIOP Europe together with Coordinators for the PARTNER Project and ERN PaedCan highlight the importance of collaboration in order to improve the care of children in Europe with rare cancer.
‘The ‘Survivorship Passport’ for childhood cancer survivors’ is published in the European Journal of
21/08/2018The Survivorship Passport (SurPass) is a tool aiming to provide all European childhood cancer survivors with optimal long-term care.
SIOP Europe Young Oncologists: Call for Membership
12/07/2018A new working group has been formed: Young SIOPE Group.
President's Message
28/06/2018Events and projects updates: SIOP Europe 2019 Annual Meeting; SIOPE – MAC Event ‘Celebrating 20 Years of Progress in the Paediatric Haemato-Oncology in Europe’; SIOP Europe Gold Ribbon Awards, etc.
Collaborating with partners: CCI Europe
27/06/2018Pleased to announce that the SIOP Europe 2019 Annual Meeting will be held in partnership with CCI Europe. All tumour group members, SIOP Europe and SIOP members are invited.
PROJECTS & EVENTS UPDATE: ERN-PAEDCAN Partner: Paediatric Rare Tumours Network – European Registry
27/06/2018The PARTNER Project is part of the European Reference Network for Paediatric Cancer (ERN PaedCan). It is a 3-year project that involves 6 research centres as Associated partners.
PROJECTS & EVENTS UPDATE: IMI2’s conect4children launch
27/06/2018Conect4children: a new public-private partnership to improve the development of new drugs for children in Europe.
POLICY-RELATED UPDATES: Digital Transformation of Health and Care in the Digital Single Market
15/06/2018SIOPE’s input to the consultation highlighted the need to balance data privacy and cross-border data exchange, essential to enable research on childhood cancers.