News Releases
PanCareFollowUp Kick-off Meeting (15 January, Amsterdam)
21/01/2019PanCareFollowUp ( looks at how to best deliver survivorship care to survivors of childhood and adolescent cancer in Europe.
SIOP Europe Annual Meeting
04/01/2019Free Childcare Service
President’s Message
17/12/2018Martin Schrappe addresses our community for the last time as SIOP Europe’s President.
Joint EFGCP & DIA: Better Medicines for Children Conference
11/12/2018The joint annual EFGCP-DIA conference took place on 25-26 October in Brussels. The aim: taking stock of the progress achieved in the paediatric field after ten years of Paediatric Regulation.
C4C conect4children Project
11/12/2018C4C conect4children project update.
07/12/2018The 2nd Consortium Meeting of the 'ERN-PAEDCAN PARTNER: Paediatric Rare Tumours Network – European Registry' took place on 15 September in Gdańsk, Poland.
EU Action Plan Paediatrics Medicines Development
07/12/20182 Oct 2018: The EMA and the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE) published a joint action plan to support the development of medicines for children in Europe.
06/12/2018A new group, Young SIOPE, has been formed within SIOP Europe. The Group aims to develop a programme for young oncologists.
The Survivorship Passport
06/12/2018Stakeholders met in Brussels on 24 September 2018 to discuss the current status and challenges of the Survivorship Passport. The differences in long-term follow-up in different countries was discussed
The QUARTET Project and the SIOP Europe Paediatric Radiotherapy Working Group
06/12/2018The 2018 QUARTET group meeting: 16 October. The group gathered to discuss the status of the trials included in the QUARTET project, particularly those that will open shortly.