News Releases

Call for research applications on paediatric Rhabdoid Tumour and Opsoclonus Myoclonus Syndrome

Call for research applications on paediatric Rhabdoid Tumour and Opsoclonus Myoclonus Syndrome


The Pablove Foundation is issuing a special call for research applications on paediatric rhabdoid tumour and opsoclonus myoclonus syndrome (OMS).

SIOPE President Martin Schrappe on the new ECCO Board

SIOPE President Martin Schrappe on the new ECCO Board


Since its beginnings, SIOPE is a close partner and member of ECCO, the European CanCer Organisation, embracing and actively promoting the shared multidisciplinary vision that every cancer patient dese

Horizon 2016-2017 Programme published

Horizon 2016-2017 Programme published



Memorandum of Understanding with the Europe regional committee of CCI

Memorandum of Understanding with the Europe regional committee of CCI


SIOPE and some members from the European regional committee of Childhood Cancer International (CCI) met at the recent SIOP Congress in Cape Town (5-8 October 2015), and signed an important Memorandum

Press Release: SIOPE-MAC Launch of the European Cancer Plan for Children and Adolescents

Press Release: SIOPE-MAC Launch of the European Cancer Plan for Children and Adolescents



The SIOPE Strategic Plan

The SIOPE Strategic Plan



Illustrating the SIOPE Strategic Plan

Illustrating the SIOPE Strategic Plan


The SIOPE Strategic Plan has been officially presented during the European Cancer Congress (25-29 September 2015, Vienna, Austria), and will be launched at the EU-policy level during the SIOPE – MAC L

SIOPE just launched its Strategic Plan

SIOPE just launched its Strategic Plan


SIOPE just launched a 10 years Strategic Plan to increase both cure rate and quality of cure, as well as to tackle inequalities across Europe.

Save the Date: International Childhood Cancer Awareness Day (ICCD 2016)

Save the Date: International Childhood Cancer Awareness Day (ICCD 2016)



SIOPE Paper on the Revised EMA Class Waiver List

SIOPE Paper on the Revised EMA Class Waiver List


An important SIOPE paper on paediatric oncology drug development has just been published on the Lancet Oncology journal.