News Releases
Call for research applications on paediatric Rhabdoid Tumour and Opsoclonus Myoclonus Syndrome
24/12/2015The Pablove Foundation is issuing a special call for research applications on paediatric rhabdoid tumour and opsoclonus myoclonus syndrome (OMS).
SIOPE President Martin Schrappe on the new ECCO Board
24/12/2015Since its beginnings, SIOPE is a close partner and member of ECCO, the European CanCer Organisation, embracing and actively promoting the shared multidisciplinary vision that every cancer patient dese
Horizon 2016-2017 Programme published
Memorandum of Understanding with the Europe regional committee of CCI
14/12/2015SIOPE and some members from the European regional committee of Childhood Cancer International (CCI) met at the recent SIOP Congress in Cape Town (5-8 October 2015), and signed an important Memorandum
Press Release: SIOPE-MAC Launch of the European Cancer Plan for Children and Adolescents

The SIOPE Strategic Plan
Illustrating the SIOPE Strategic Plan
20/10/2015The SIOPE Strategic Plan has been officially presented during the European Cancer Congress (25-29 September 2015, Vienna, Austria), and will be launched at the EU-policy level during the SIOPE – MAC L
SIOPE just launched its Strategic Plan
05/10/2015SIOPE just launched a 10 years Strategic Plan to increase both cure rate and quality of cure, as well as to tackle inequalities across Europe.
Save the Date: International Childhood Cancer Awareness Day (ICCD 2016)
SIOPE Paper on the Revised EMA Class Waiver List
16/09/2015An important SIOPE paper on paediatric oncology drug development has just been published on the Lancet Oncology journal.