International Childhood Cancer Awareness Day (ICCD 2017)

Banner-ICCD-970x260Development of paediatric cancer medicines

‘Milestones and the Road Ahead Towards More Life-Saving Innovation’

Press Release

Event Programme

The event took place on Tuesday 7 March 2017 at European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium

Hosted by MEP Dr. Elena Gentile (S&D, IT)

logo S&D completoS&D_logo This yearly awareness-raising SIOPE event took on Tuesday 7th March 2017 at the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium, under the auspices of the S&D Parliamentary Group of the European Parliament. Event participants discussed the activities carried out by the European community to tackle childhood cancers, reflected on the accomplishments, highlighted the persisting needs still to be met, and traced the road ahead towards more and better cure. The recently voted European Parliament Resolution on Paediatric Medicines - which seeks to improve the EU Regulation on Paediatric Medicines - was presented as a key milestone. International Childhood Cancer Awareness Day 2017 (ICCD 2017) also followed the closing of the European Commission's consultation on this Regulation, and coincided with its work on the 10-year report regarding the same legislation. Finally, the event took place right after the 5th ACCELERATE Conference (2-3 March 2017), the multi-stakeholder forum where further steps to speed up innovation were discussed by academia, industry, parents, and regulators.
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Details from previous editions: