Dear colleagues, partners, friends,
I trust that that you and your families are keeping well through this global health emergency. Despite the challenges, we are doing our very best to mitigate the negative impacts on SIOPE’s activities and stay connected with our community. Together with all our partners and community, we continue to strive for the best possible care for children and adolescents with cancer. This latest issue of the SIOPE Newsletter provides an update on our current activities, events and projects.
SIOP Europe Annual Meeting
I am delighted that the second edition of the SIOP Europe Annual Meeting, held virtually on 28-30 April 2021, was so successful. In the wake of disruptions triggered by the lockdown measures, we were very pleased to be able host the SIOP Europe 2021 Annual Meeting in virtual format and that so many of you joined the meeting.
During this year’s Annual Meeting great science was presented and there were many engaged discussions from over 1500 participants from 65 countries, and included 287 speakers, 84 chairs and 57 sessions, making it in exciting and interactive event regardless of the virtual format.
Although virtual events may lack the intimacy of in-person events, it was still possible for attendees to connect virtually with one another and even take part in the online social event from the comfort of their homes/offices.
I would like to remind you that all open sessions are available for viewing ‘on demand’ anytime until 25 June 2021 on the Annual Meeting Virtual Platform. So, please do visit the website to watch these sessions.
SIOPE Oncopolicy, Europe’s Cancer Plan, policy events
Our European Oncopolicy activity continues to thrive and I have some exciting news to share on this front. We are delighted that childhood cancer is now under the spotlight in the EU Cancer Plan. Our community was very active in giving input during the consultation process to help shape this plan, contributing over 200 individual stakeholder responses to the public consultation. We are therefore very pleased that the Commission has heard the messages and has dedicated an entire section to childhood cancer in the breakthrough ‘Helping Children with Cancer Initiative’.
The EU4Health programme shall fund Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan and Helping Children with Cancer Initiative. We are enthusiastically looking forward to help shape the implementation of the Plan’s proposals.
I am also pleased to inform you that the SIOP Europe Policy Committee was created to ensure that we can keep childhood cancer under the EU spotlight working in close partnership with CCI Europe, to be the voice of children and adolescents with cancer as well as survivors.
1st SIOP Europe Course in Paediatric Oncology Kick-off Virtual Meeting
The Kick-off Meeting for the 1st SIOP Europe Course in Paediatric Oncology – a new education initiative designed to support young and promising paediatric oncologists in developing their careers in paediatric oncology – took place on 26-27 May 2021.
The 2-Day Virtual Event served to launch the unique SIOPE Course in Paediatric Oncology, which is a 3-year long education and mentoring program for fellows in paediatric haematology and oncology. Indeed, thanks to innovative IT tools, a highly motivated Steering Committee and faculty, and an exciting and interactive programme, the 2-day Virtual Kick-off Meeting offered an experience where everyone could share knowledge, connect, and interact.
Despite the virtual format, the interaction and discussions were superb and included a very dynamic group of 50 early career stage paediatric oncologists, fellows and junior faculty in paediatric oncology selected to attend the Course.
My sincere thanks to the SIOPE Course Steering Committee Members, speakers/presenters, as well as the participants and we look forward to seeing you all face-to-face on 6-9 April 2022 in Maasmechelen, Belgium!
More information:
Educational opportunities
This year, more than ever, SIOP Europe was committed to provide a range educational opportunities to young oncologists in Europe and beyond. Several new initiatives were launched thanks to the outstanding work of the Educational Committee of SIOP Europe: Young SIOPE Webinars, ERN PaedCan and Young SIOPE Interactive Webinar Series: Most Challenging Cases in Paediatric Oncology and the European Training Programme (Syllabus).
SIOP Europe is also working closely with the European School of Oncology (ESO) on two educational pathways: Paediatric oncology and Paediatric haemato-oncology emergencies.
I invite you to read this latest SIOP Europe Newsletter. I look forward to continuing to work with you all and together we will continue supporting our patients and their families. Finally, I would also like to wish you all joy and happiness for the upcoming summer months.
Pamela Kearns
SIOP Europe President