NEW: 1st SIOP Europe Course in Paediatric Oncology


We are delighted to announce the 1st SIOP Europe Course in Paediatric Oncology – a new initiative designed to support young and promising paediatric oncologists in developing their careers in paediatric oncology!

The course will cover clinical aspects of childhood cancer, clinical research methods, research collaborations, statistical analysis, presentation skills and leadership. Real-life cases and situations will be discussed, as well as patient management and how to perform clinical studies.

The Course will be held over 3 years, consisting of an annual module of 4 days, to stimulate long-term educational impact and group development. Attendees will obtain the skills and expertise to become leading physicians, performing high-quality patient management and research.

The Course is open to fellows in paediatric haematology and oncology and junior faculty at academic medical centres across Europe.

Course application submission opens: 1 May 2020

Application submission closes: 15 September 2020

Further details can be found at the course website: