Anne Blondeel has joined the
SIOPE Team. Born and raised in Belgium, Anne moved to the United States at the age of 18, initially intending to stay just one year. She received her degree in International Relations from the University of Minnesota and, after a brief stint in the private sector, realised that her goals and values made her better suited for a position in the non-profit sector. After 15 years in the US, she returned to her home country to be nearer to her family and to continue her career in the non-profit scientific sector, first as a conference organiser at the European Science Foundation and then as a scientific programme coordinator for the European Society of Anaesthesiology and the European CanCer Organisation.
She recently integrated our Society as the new Project Coordinator. In this new role, she will coordinate several projects and platforms that have been foreseen in the SIOPE Strategic Plan, ensuring that all the projects’ phases, deliverables and milestones are delivered on time. More specifically, she will mainly contribute to the success of the
QUARTET and Survivorship Passport projects.
Anne is very much looking forward to working with the SIOPE team and partners!