SIOP Europe Annual Report 2018: 20 Years of Progress in Paediatric Haemato-Oncology in Europe


We are delighted to present the first Annual Report of the European Society for Paediatric Oncology (SIOP Europe). This report highlights SIOP Europe’s achievements over the past year (2018) in support of our vision and mission for the next decade: to increase the cure rate and the quality of cure of children with cancer. In our journey to cure childhood cancer through collaboration, advocacy, research, education and communication, we have made substantial progress since SIOP Europe was established in 1998.

As this report shows, 2018 was an extraordinary year for SIOP Europe, and one marked by a key milestone – celebrating 20 years of activity and progress in paediatric haemato-oncology in Europe.

We invite you to read this Annual Report and take stock of the progress the SIOP Europe community has made as we work towards a brighter future for children and young people with cancer.

Download and read the SIOP Europe Annual Report 2018 (PDF).