Public Consultation on Orphan and Paediatric Regulations


The European Commission has recently launched Public Consultation on Orphan and Paediatric Regulations with a strong emphasis on citizen involvement, the questionnaire is open until 30 July 2021 to collect individual and organisations' views to feed into the highly anticipated revision of the legislation. 

The consultation is a decisive chance for the paediatric cancer community to advocate that our issues are appropriately addressed in the upcoming revision of Orphan and Paediatric Regulations. The number of responses emphasising paediatric cancer will count, therefore your individual and institutional contributions will be instrumental in this effort.


Access the consultation

  • Technical Guidance on Responding to the Feedback Consultation: find it here
  • Webinar PPT with Overarching Messages from SIOPE: find it here
  • SIOPE draft response to Open Public Consultation on the revision of EU rules on medicines for children and rare diseases: find it here

Deadline to respond: 30 July, Brussels midnight time