SIOP Europe 2019 Annual Meeting


SIOP Europe 2019 Annual Meeting - an innovative setting dedicated to the latest developments in Paediatric Haemato-Oncology


This unique event included novel session formats, which were comparable to interactive workshops. The meeting hosted most of the European clinical trial groups, thereby disseminating the outcomes of the high-quality clinical and basic research carried out in Europe.


The SIOP Europe 2019 Annual Meeting opened its doors for all SIOP and SIOPE members, parent/patients groups and survivors.We received a lot of encouragement from diverse stakeholders in support of this event. This Annual Meeting brought together our community to learn, exchange, and network.


The 1st SIOP Europe Annual Meeting was held on 20-24 May 2019 in Prague, Czech Republic.


SIOP Europe Annual Meeting – the place where paediatric haemato-oncologists from throughout the world come together to learn, share and network.

Press Release

A successful first edition of the SIOP Europe Annual Meeting, Prague


Event website


Twitter: #SIOPEurope2019


Browse the Pocket Programme in Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.