International Childhood Cancer Awareness Day (ICCD 2019)

Wednesday 6 March 2019 (15h00 – 17h00)

Room ASP 3G-2 │ European Parliament │ Brussels, Belgium

Hosted by MEP Elena Gentile (IT, S&D)


This edition of the annual International Childhood Cancer Day (ICCD 2019) meeting officially unveiled the European Elections 2019 Manifesto for the paediatric oncology and haematology community: “Beating childhood cancer: Cure more and cure better – Towards zero deaths & zero late effects.” Presentations:

1. SIOP Europe and CCI Europe Manifesto: Joint vision for a Europe with more and better cures for childhood cancers - Gilles Vassal, SIOP Europe Board Member (Gustave Roussy, FR) - Nicole Scobie, Member, Childhood Cancer Intentional - Europe (CH)

2. New horizons for research and innovation in life-threatening paediatric diseases - Pamela Kearns, SIOP Europe President (University of Birmingham, UK)

3. Furthering the potential of the European Reference Network model across the care continuum - Ruth Ladenstein, SIOP Europe Board Member (Children's Cancer Research Institute, AT)

The European paediatric and oncology community together with the parents/patients/survivors representatives would like to invite the next European Parliament to sustain and reinforce its support of the paediatric cancer cause.




Your commitment and support The rarity of individual paediatric cancer types and their high collective health burden across Europe make coordinated EU level approaches crucial.  By signing this manifesto, you declare your awareness and willingness to support the paediatric oncology and haematology community in Europe in fighting childhood cancer. Together with the European Society for Paediatric Oncology (SIOP Europe), the only pan-European organisation representing all professionals working in the field of childhood cancers and Childhood Cancer International Europe (CCI Europe) representing parents, patients and survivors, you will contribute towards ensuring that the paediatric oncology and haematology community is heard and will actively work for the achievement of more and better cures for childhood cancer in line with the objectives identified in the SIOP Europe Strategic Plan.

Join us to tackle childhood cancers in Europe!


More information:

Twitter: #ICCD2019 #BeatingChildhoodCancer