A Coordination and Support Action to prepare UNCAN.eu platform
About the Project
An initiative to better UNderstand CANcer (UNCAN.eu) is part of the implementation roadmap of two programmes of the European Union (EU), Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan and the Horizon Europe Mission on Cancer.
The representatives of the 29 institutions and organisations participating in the project have highlighted the importance of this scientific initiative, renewing their commitment and support toward the project while the main point of the meeting was the presentation of the activities that the partners will carry out during the 15 months of this project.
Project Goals
The goal of “UNCAN.eu initiative” will be to achieve the next breakthrough that is urgently needed to advance the understanding of cancer mechanisms in order to improve cancer prevention, early diagnosis and treatment, providing a basis for saving millions of European citizens’ lives. To reach this goal, UNCAN.eu will be a virtual institute coordinating ambitious and innovative, but realistic and focussed, cross-border and trans-disciplinary research programmes built in a problem-solving manner.
Project Objectives
To generate a blueprint for the UNCAN.eu virtual institute.
SIOP Europe's Role in the Project
The European Society For Paediatric Oncology (SIOP Europe) has already started working on different Work packages (WPs) of the project. Main activities and meetings are being taken under WP 2 – Identification of cancer research challenges to address future EU priorities/research policies, WP 3 – Mapping of European Research Infrastructures and initiatives Roadmap for a European Federated Cancer Research Data Hub and WP6 – Inequalities in cancer research – improved science with improved outreach.