Karolina Maślak, PsyD Clinical Psychologist, specialised in the field of paediatric oncology and Child and Adolescent Jungian Psychoanalyst. Member of CCI-Europe Psychosocial Pillar, AIEOP (Italian Association of Paediatric Haematology and Oncology). Since 2009 she has been collaborating with the Paediatric Haematology and Oncology Unit of the University Hospital Policlinic “S.Marco-G.Rodolico” in Catania, Italy and with NGOs that take care of children and their families during cancer treatment journey. Her main research interest concentrates on pain management and support during painful procedures. During her work, she collaborates with multidisciplinary equip to promote childoriented approach during cancer treatment. She believes that acknowledging and respecting child needs is a vital part of cancer care.