The dissemination of the Standards of Care is making fast progresses: having it today already available in 15 languages makes this important document easily accessible in most European hospitals, clinics, health centres and families in Europe.
The 'European Standards of Care for Children with Cancer' is a consensus document - agreed by patient and parent groups and professionals - defining the minimum standards institutions should have when caring for young cancer patients. Launched in October 2011 at a high-level meeting in Warsaw in the framework of theEPAAC project - in collaboration with SIOPE, the Polish Ministry of Health and the "Communication without Barriers Foundation" - the European Standards of Care for Children with Cancer address topics like components of care in a specialist facility, the delivery of therapy and the rights of the hospitalised child. The main aim of the project is to address the main inequalities in paediatric cancer care and treatment across our continent.
You can download themhere in English, Czech, German, Greek, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Russian and Ukrainian.