"Beating Childhood Cancer: Cure More, Cure Better and Tackle Inequalities"
The 2024-2029 mandate is THE chance to progress the ongoing European Union initiatives and deliver an integrated childhood cancer-specific programme that will save lives, improve the quality of survival, and eradicate inequalities.
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35 MEPs who have Kindly Endorsed the Manifesto
55 Former MEPs and MEP Candidates who have Kindly Endorsed the Manifesto.
Organizations that have Kindly Endorsed the Manifesto
The first cause of death by disease in children older than 1 year
Every year in Europe, 35,000 children and young people are diagnosed with cancer (1), a rare life-threatening disease. It is the first cause of death by disease in children older than 1 year with more than 6,000 lives lost annually (1). There are over 500,000 childhood cancer survivors (2), with two-thirds experiencing adverse long-term effects.
The burden of childhood cancer has received recognition on the European Union political agenda. Over the past five years, the EU introduced crucial initiatives for childhood cancer, for example the Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan and the EU Cancer Mission, highlighting the political commitment to take action.
Together with the European Society for Paediatric Oncology (SIOP Europe), the only pan-European organisation representing all professionals working in the field of childhood cancers and Childhood Cancer International Europe (CCI Europe) representing parents, patients and survivors, you will contribute towards ensuring that the paediatric oncology and haematology community is heard. You will actively contribute to our objectives of:
1. Saving more lives thanks to better treatments
2. Supporting the recovery of children and adolescents after their treatment
3. Eradicating inequalities among children and adolescents with cancer
By endorsing, you declare your awareness and willingness to support the paediatric oncology and haematology community in Europe in fighting childhood cancer.
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1) International Agency for Research on Cancer. Cancer Today 2018. https://gco.iarc.fr/today/home
2) SIOP Europe, "SIOP Europe Strategic Plan Update (2021-2026): A European Cancer Plan for Children and Adolescents", October 2021, https://siope.eu/media/documents/siop-europes-strategic-plan-update-2021-2026.pdf